A balanced diet is exactly that – a diet which provides us with balance, but let’s dig a bit deeper. Balance can mean many things, for example: being in a steady position so one does not fall, or [...]
Did you know that we are made up of around 50-80% water? Did you know that water is considered to be an essential nutrient? These are facts that are easy to forget but remind us we need to [...]
It feels like everyone is always talking about protein, especially when it comes to sports and recovery! Yet, does protein live up to this hype? How much protein do we really need and where do we [...]
What is energy, and why do we need it? ‘And what is a man without energy? Nothing – nothing at all’ – Mark Twain Energy is something each and every one of us needs to function each day. Energy is [...]
Nutrition can be thought of as simply as the food and fluids that we decide to put in to our bodies. Nutrition can shape the way we feel, perform, grow and develop. It is therefore important that [...]